WG 2 - Urban Agriculture and governance
In UA important aspects of the future development of urban societies are at stake. Cities and urban regions have to develop strategies on UA to assure food security and quality, environmental quality and the well-being of their citizens. But more they can also use UA to strengthen social inclusion, citizens’ responsibilities and active participation in the development of their urban environment. To reach these objectives countries, regions and cities but also civic and societal initiatives are establishing new kinds of public policies and new forms of governance dealing with UA. WG 2 will start with a survey of existing public policies on UA that can be established in close cooperation with the stakeholders present in the Action and the reference regions. The policies will be analysed on the background of the different national and regional institutional settings and classified accordingly.
Working Group Chairs
Mary Corcoran, Joëlle Salomon-Cavin
Working Group Members
Andrew Adam-Brandford, Peter Andersen, Johan Barstad, Simon Bell, Regine Berges, Maria Bihunova, José Castillo Ruiz, Rafael Crecente Maseda, Miguel Curado Malta, Tim Delshammar, Alexandra Doernberg, Isabelle Duvernoy, Lea Egloff, Olivier Ejderyan, Montse Ferres, Frode Flemsæter, Ellen Marie Forsberg, Daniela Hadem-Kälber, Ina Hartmann, Salvör Jonsdottir, Anette Jorgensen, Denise Kemper, Patricia Kettle, Galina Koleva, Raffaella Laviscio, Salma Loudiyi, Cyril Mumenthaler, Daniel Münderlein, Sofia Nikolaidou, Nelly Niwa, Charlotte Prové, Alberto Matarán Ruiz, Terje Ong, Gloria Pérez Córdoba, Fiorella Russo Cardozo, Joelle Salomon-Cavin, Chiara Tornaghi, Kristin Vala Ragnarsdottir, Carlos Verdaguer Viana-Cárdenas, Ana Zazo Moratalla,Verone Stillger,
Working Group Followers
Elisabete Alves, David Bourdin, Conor Dennehy, Núria Font, Michael Hardman, Kristine Herkströter, Andrés Manuel García Lamparte, Pixie Jacobs, Lilli Licka, Pedro Mendes Moreira, Marcus Mergenthaler, Paola Migliorini, Anna Birgitte Milford, David Miranda Barrós, Blanca Ocón Martín, Raffaella Radoccia, Bruno Ronchi, Axel Timpe, Colin Sage, Lionella Scazzosi, Andreas Spornberger, Barbara Szulczewska, Helene Weissinger, Xinmin Zhan