Urban Agriculture and the European Agenda

Brussels 23/02/2016

More than 50 stakeholders, policy makers and Action members have participated in the Final Event of COST Action Urban Agriculture Europe on February, 23rd, 12:30-17:00 at the COST Association in Brussels.

In the last 4 years the Action has elaborated a European approach on the phenomenon of  Urban Agriculture. The main findings and important policy recommendations are now published in the book
Urban Agriculture Europe.

The final event will presented the book with particular regard to European policies: How can Urban Agriculture support the Europe 2020 strategy? Which policies - from the CAP to Research and Innovation policies, from Environmental to Social and Territorial policies - can benefit from Urban Agriculture? How can these policies help to unfold the potentials of Urban Agriculture? The thematic presentations on these subjects can found in the presentation-file of the event available for dowload below.

After the presentations a World Cafe was the opportunity for stakeholders, policy makers and Action members to jointly explore the potentials of Urban Agriculture for the different policies of the European Community. The results presented on posters can be found in the gallery.

The meeting was co-organized by the University of Gent and ILVO (Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research).

Presentation "Urban Agriculture and the European Agenda
Author:Frank Lohrberg, Wolf Lorleberg, Dona Pickard, Lionella Scazzosi, Axel Timpe
File size:3,75 MB

Field Trip: Urban Agriculture in Brussels


About 30 members of COST Action Urban Agriculture Europe and some external guests visited highlights of Urban Agriculture in Brussels on a bicycle tour organised by Charlotte Prové (Ghent University/ILVO), Michiel Dehaene and Martin Dumont (both Ghent University). Information about the places and projects visited can be found in the field trip guide available for download below.

field trip guide "Urban Agriculture in Brussels"
Author:Charlotte Prové, Michiel Dehaene, Martin Dumont
File size:4,81 MB