5th Working Group Meeting of COST Action TD 1106 Urban Agriculture Europe, Lausanne

The meeting took place on September 10 – 13, 2014 in Lausanne University (Faculty of Geosciences and Environment). This event had patronage of the University of Lausanne and the Swiss Secretariat for Education, Research and innovation (SERI).

Program of the meeting included: 1 plenary session, 1 public Conference, 1 visit of the exhibition Carrot City, 1 fieldtrip in Geneva, 3 working groups sessions, 1 closing session and 1 optional fieldtrip in Lausanne. Welcome addresses were delivered by Benoit Frund, Vice rector for sustainability of the University of Lausanne, Prof. Frank Lohrberg, Chair of the Action who also described the Action’s work progress and Dr. Joëlle Salomon Cavin, local organizer.

The public Conférence “Urban agriculture in Cuba” was presented by the professor  Jorge Peña-Diaz (Polytechnic University José Antonio Echeverría, Havana).

During the plenary session 4 speeches were presented:

  • David Bourdin (Agridea) : Agricultural Policy in Switzerland.
  • Craig Verzone (landscape planners): The Food Urbanism Initiative
  • Alain Bidaux (Head of the Agriculture Department, Geneva): Agriculture in the Geneva region.
  • Olivier Mark (Consultant, Geneva): The Agricultural regional development project in Geneva


The Fieldtrip in the greater region Geneva included the visit of two farms: the Farm of Liliane and Marc Graf, the Farm of Michel Bidaux.

The working groups’ sessions were dedicated to specific tasks which had been agreed before meeting among the Chairs and WG participants. Results of the discussions as well as plans for future steps were presented during closing session. This closing session took place in Geneva, at the the School of Technology, Architecture and Landscape of Geneva (Hepia). The session was introduced by a welcome speech of Prof. Sophie Rochefort (Head of the Agronomy Department, Hepia).

Documentation 5th WG Meeting, Lausanne/Geneva
Author:Joelle Salomon-Cavin
File size:10,95 MB
WG Meeting Lausanne/Geneva - preliminary programme
Author:Joelle Salomon-Cavin
File size:497,61 KB